Medical tourism is the act of traveling to other countries to obtain medical, dental, and surgical care. The term was initially
coined by travel agencies and the media as a catchall phrase to describe the rapid growth of an industry where people travel
to other countries to obtain medical, dental, and surgical care while at the same time touring, vacationing, and fully experiencing
the attractions of the countries that they are visiting.
While the tourism component might be a big draw for southeast Asia countries that focus on simple procedures, India is
positioning itself the primary medical destination for the most complex medical procedures in the world. India's commitment
to this is demonstrated with an ever growing number of hospitals that are attaining the US Joint Commission International
A combination of many factors has led to the recent increase in popularity of medical tourism: the high cost of healthcare
in industrialized nations, the ease and affordability of international travel, and the improvement of technology and standards
of care in many countries of the world.
A huge draw to medical tourism is the convenience in comparison to that of other countries. Some countries that operate
from a public health-care system are so taxed that it can take a considerable amount of time, sometimes even years, to get
needed medical care. The time spent waiting for a procedure, such as a hip replacement, can be a year or more in Britain and
Canada; however, in Ahmedabad or Bangalore, a patient could feasibly have an operation the day after their arrival.
Before you decide to step out of your country for a medical treatment, ensure the following
Politically stable, Ties with your country of origin, Social Security
Selected Hospital
Medical Facility, Accreditations, Experience, Word of Mouth, Average Length Of Stay, Surgical Statistics, Infection Rate
Success Rate, Mortality & Morbidity Rate, Experience, Search information over the Internet, Check credentials, Qualifications,
Ask for References
Mail to: himanshus@apolloahd.com
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